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New Day Church a été fondée en 2006 à DFW pour montrer l'amour de Dieu à notre communauté, une personne à la fois. Nous sommes centrés sur Jésus, centrés sur la famille, remplis de l'Esprit et soucieux de la communauté. Notre cÅ“ur est d'avoir un impact local et mondial dans lequel les gens rencontrent Dieu d'une manière qui les inspire à vivre leur objectif ! 

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Our Pastors

Pastor Ricky Franklin was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. He graduated from Southwestern Assemblies of God University in 1992 with a Bachelor's Degree in Cross Cultural Ministries and a minor in Church Ministries. In 1995, he was ordained as an Assemblies of God Minister. Following God's calling, he ministered to youth and college students in Texas, Montana, and Florida, until God called him and his family to plant New Day Church in 2005. He is experienced in all areas of ministry and has a heart for revival. Pastor Ricky aims to lead the congregation by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Each sermon is a fresh word from the Lord.


Pastor Ricky and Joni met at Southwestern and married in 1992. From an early age, Joni was filled with the Holy Spirit and began serving in ministry with her family. After attending Southwestern, she graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Inter-Disciplinary Studies. She carries a passion for the people of God and desires to see his people walk in healing and wholeness. Together, Pastor Ricky and Joni, have a desire to see the moving of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God's people. 

Our Team

Our Team.


Ricky & Joni Franklin

Founders & Lead Pastors


Edwin Zamora

Associate Pastor


Zoë Zamora

Administrative Assistant


As an Assemblies of God church, we hold to the beliefs and values outlined within the Assemblies of God 16 Fundamental Truths. Click below to learn more!

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